Introduction to Neuroscience Training Programme

Say Hello To Your Brain© Applied Neuroscience Training for Practitioners and Business Professionals

Imagine if you could apply cutting-edge neuroscience into your daily practice that works with people’s brains not against them to unlock potential?

Why include brain-based practices?

Our understanding of one of life’s greatest mysteries – how the human brain operates optimally, has significantly accelerated. Evidenced neuroscience is deepening our understanding of the on-going connectivity our brains make that predict and process our lives. The opportunities for developing human behaviour and optimising the brains potential have never been greater.

Now applied neuroscience can take the science from the lab and into work and daily lives to benefit humankind.

How does it benefit?

From influencing people’s mental health mindsets, to improving performance, reducing anxiety and stress to providing valuable insights into cognitive and emotional processes, decision-making, employee engagement and leadership skills because everything comes from the relationship between our brains and body.

For you as someone who is able to support and influence others’ lives, adding this knowledge within your practice will put you at the forefront giving you a sustainable advantage. For your clients this means results that are evidence based delivered by a competitive professional.

Uniquely it is also shaped around the needs of your clients including latest management and business developments such as hybrid working, AI, and people developmental needs.

Programme Content

  • Foundations of the brains neurophysiology and anatomy to give you a context into what makes each of us unique.
  • Understand Neuroplasticity in practice to accelerate innovation, collaboration, adaptability, agility, self-efficacy & growth.
  • How our constructed emotions are the foundations of our mindsets and behaviour informing our brain’s perspectives and predictions.
  • Using guided interactive learning you will learn how to proactively use evidenced brain-based techniques.

Programme Format

The programme is interactive and immersive. It draws on the latest learnings from the field of neuroscience, behavioural science and coach training.

There are four online sessions, with each module running for one and a half hours. To engage your brains neuroplasticity pre-reading is included, and post actions.

You will also have the opportunity in a safe and confidential space to share ideas with your co-learners on ways you can apply the neuroscience techniques.

Costs and Dates

The investment cost for the programme is £395.00.

The programme starts on April 19th, 2nd session April 25th, 3rd session May 3rd and 4th session 10th of May. Time 5.00 to 6.30 pm GMT.

 “The subject matter is vast, so you’ve done an extraordinary job of extracting the key elements to ensure the fundamentals were covered”.

“I am always keen to learn more about how to apply the information to real-life scenarios and how to develop my skills using this knowledge. I wasn’t expecting it to be so interactive. I really liked that”.

Our purpose at Springboard Tribe is to build a tribe of brain ambassadors who want to make a difference to the future of work by shaping the minds of leaders and their teams so they can thrive.

If you want to join our tribe? Get in touch with us today!